High Protein Mushroom Sauce


High Protein Mushroom Sauce
Ref. : FT – Z270-GA02-00750


The HP sauces of the Orexcy range developed by Cyranie allow an additional salty proteinic contribution, without modifying the food intake. Easy and quick to prepare, they are a natural addition to traditional cooking. They are tasty and are the ideal accompaniment to all types of dishes (pasta, rice, potatoes served with fish, poultry and other white or red meats…).

The HP HC creams of the Orexcy range developed by Cyranie can be eaten as a dessert or as a snack. They are adapted to protein-energy malnutrition. The range has been specially formulated for the pleasure of eating.

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Protéines de lait (dont lécithine de tournesol), prémix (amidon modifié de pomme de terre, sirop de glucose de maïs, fécule de pomme de terre, arômes, matières grasses végétales : huile de tournesol (dont lactose), huile de colza, sel, extraits de levures, sucre, oignon, épaississant : gomme de cellulose, colorant : caramel, ail, épices, extrait de paprika),

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