• Rèf. :  COLBO-JA06- 00400
    Le collagène est une protéine peu présente dans l’alimentation moderne. Une fois hydrolysé (= coupé), les peptides obtenus deviennent hautement digestible. Les peptides de collagène de la gamme développés par Cyranie sont destinés à enrichir l’alimentation en cas de dénutrition ou de besoins protéiques accrus. Grâce à leurs excellentes solubilité et stabilité, ils s’intègrent facilement dans tout type de préparation (plat/boisson, salée/sucrée, à chaud/à froid). Ils ne modifient ni l’aspect, ni l’odeur, ni le goût des produits dans lesquels ils sont incorporés.
  • The HP sauces of the Orexcy range developed by Cyranie allow an additional salty proteinic contribution, without modifying the food intake. Easy and quick to prepare, they are a natural addition to traditional cooking. They are tasty and are the ideal accompaniment to all types of dishes (pasta, rice, potatoes served with fish, poultry and other white or red meats...).
  • The HP sauces of the Orexcy range developed by Cyranie allow an additional salty proteinic contribution, without modifying the food intake. Easy and quick to prepare, they are a natural addition to traditional cooking. They are tasty and are the ideal accompaniment to all types of dishes (pasta, rice, potatoes served with fish, poultry and other white or red meats...).
  • The HP sauces of the Orexcy range developed by Cyranie allow an additional salty proteinic contribution, without modifying the food intake. Easy and quick to prepare, they are a natural addition to traditional cooking. They are tasty and are the ideal accompaniment to all types of dishes (pasta, rice, potatoes served with fish, poultry and other white or red meats...).
  • The HP sauces of the Orexcy range developed by Cyranie allow an additional salty proteinic contribution, without modifying the food intake. Easy and quick to prepare, they are a natural addition to traditional cooking. They are tasty and are the ideal accompaniment to all types of dishes (pasta, rice, potatoes served with fish, poultry and other white or red meats...).
    The HP HC creams of the Orexcy range developed by Cyranie can be eaten as a dessert or as a snack. They are adapted to protein-energy malnutrition. The range has been specially formulated for the pleasure of eating.
  • Smooth creams rich in taste, to consume as a snack or dessert. They are suitable for protein-energy malnutrition. Their recipe is specially designed to minimize their ecological impact.
    The HP HC creams of the Orexcy range developed by Cyranie can be eaten as a dessert or as a snack. They are adapted to protein-energy malnutrition. The range has been specially formulated for the pleasure of eating.
  • The HP HC creams of the Orexcy range developed by Cyranie can be eaten as a dessert or as a snack. They are adapted to protein-energy malnutrition. The range has been specially formulated for the pleasure of eating.
  • The HP HC creams of the Orexcy range developed by Cyranie can be eaten as a dessert or as a snack. They are adapted to protein-energy malnutrition. The range has been specially formulated for the pleasure of eating.
  • The HP HC creams of the Orexcy range developed by Cyranie can be eaten as a dessert or as a snack. They are adapted to protein-energy malnutrition. The range has been specially formulated for the pleasure of eating.
  • The HP HC creams of the Orexcy range developed by Cyranie can be eaten as a dessert or as a snack. They are adapted to protein-energy malnutrition. The range has been specially formulated for the pleasure of eating.
  • The HP HC creams of the Orexcy range developed by Cyranie can be eaten as a dessert or as a snack. They are adapted to protein-energy malnutrition. The range has been specially formulated for the pleasure of eating.
  • Complete and balanced drinks, with fibers (2.40g / brick), with a high protein (16g / brick) and energy content (1.25kcal / ml) for the nutritional needs of patients in case of undernutrition or at risk of undernutrition. The drinks are enriched with all essential vitamins and minerals and are lactose and gluten free. Their tetrabrick packaging provides excellent value for money, optimizes storage space and facilitates waste management.
  • Complete and balanced drinks, with fibers (2.40g / brick), with a high protein (16g / brick) and energy content (1.25kcal / ml) for the nutritional needs of patients in case of undernutrition or at risk of undernutrition. The drinks are enriched with all essential vitamins and minerals and are lactose and gluten free. Their tetrabrick packaging provides excellent value for money, optimizes storage space and facilitates waste management.
  • We offer a choice of NCA (Nutritional Culinary Aids) to enrich traditional food preparations and adapt them to the needs of patients. Ideal for home-made. Enrichment powder : Supplemix Animal protein : Instant milk protein, Milk protein, Vitamin and mineral milk protein, Semi-skimmed milk powder Vegetable protein : Soy protein
  • Dehydrated mix in order to make easily (grippable) bites, eaten cold from a cold preparation.
  • Dehydrated mix in order to make easily (grippable) bites, eaten cold or hot, from a hot preparation.
  • A Seaweed extract which forms a firm gel after hot dissolving (90 ° C) in sweet or salty preparations. Given its power, it is a very economical product to use.
  • Preparations for creamy and tasty mixed dishes. A wide range is available to vary the menus. They combine meat or fish with vegetables and are low in sodium.
  • Preparations for creamy and tasty mixed dishes. A wide range is available to vary the menus. They combine meat or fish with vegetables and are low in sodium.
  • Preparations for creamy and tasty mixed dishes. A wide range is available to vary the menus. They combine meat or fish with vegetables and are low in sodium.
  • Preparations for creamy and tasty mixed dishes. A wide range is available to vary the menus. They combine meat or fish with vegetables and are low in sodium.
  • Preparations for creamy and tasty mixed dishes. A wide range is available to vary the menus. They combine meat or fish with vegetables and are low in sodium.
  • Preparations for creamy and tasty mixed dishes. A wide range is available to vary the menus. They combine meat or fish with vegetables and are low in sodium.
  • Preparations for creamy and tasty mixed dishes. A wide range is available to vary the menus. They combine meat or fish with vegetables and are low in sodium.
  • Preparations for creamy and tasty mixed dishes. A wide range is available to vary the menus. They combine meat or fish with vegetables and are low in sodium.
  • Preparations for creamy and tasty mixed dishes. A wide range is available to vary the menus. They combine meat or fish with vegetables and are low in sodium.
  • Preparations for creamy and tasty mixed dishes. A wide range is available to vary the menus. They combine meat or fish with vegetables and are low in sodium.
  • Cyr’instant is a thickening agent that disperses instantly and lump-free in drinks and food preparations for people with liquid swallowing disorders. It is incorporated in both hot and cold food, both sweet and salty. Its composition complies with the regulations for Food products intended for Special Medical Purposes.
  • Epai’cyr + is a thickening agent that disperses instantly and lump-free in drinks and food preparations for people with liquid swallowing disorders. Neutral in taste, it is used both in sweet or salty preparations. The product is stable over a wide pH range and can be used both hot and cold. The presence of gums allows resistance to salivary amylase. Its composition complies with the regulations for Food products intended for Special Medical Purposes.
  • The Xantham gum is a product resulting from fermentation, specially adapted for use in cooking, it thickens salty and sweet preparations quickly and in low doses, cold and hot.
  • EPAI’CYR is a thickening agent that disperses easily and lump-free in driks. It is used as much in sweet or in salty preparation and can be used hot as cold.
  • DIETGEL thickener is an easily dispersible powder. It provides the advantage of being clear and neutral in taste : it is therefore ideal for quickly thickening liquids (water, drinks, coffee, tea, wine …) and food preparations. The product is stable over a wide pH range and can be used both hot and cold. The presence of gum allows resistance to salivary amylase. Its energy intake is less than a starch-based thickener and 100g of dietgel provides 29 g of fiber. Its composition complies with the regulations for Food products intended for Special Medical Purposes.
  • Based on cereals, Cyralines are porridge that can be eaten for breakfast or as a snack. Their texture is suitable for people who have problems with swallowing liquids and / or chewing. Their composition complies with the regulations for Food products intended for Special Medical Purposes.
  • Based on cereals, Cyralines are porridge that can be eaten for breakfast or as a snack. Their texture is suitable for people who have problems with swallowing liquids and / or chewing. Their composition complies with the regulations for Food products intended for Special Medical Purposes.
  • Based on cereals, Cyralines are porridge that can be eaten for breakfast or as a snack. Their texture is suitable for people who have problems with swallowing liquids and / or chewing. Their composition complies with the regulations for Food products intended for Special Medical Purposes.
  • Based on cereals, Cyralines are porridge that can be eaten for breakfast or as a snack. Their texture is suitable for people who have problems with swallowing liquids and / or chewing. Their composition complies with the regulations for Food products intended for Special Medical Purposes.
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